
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Matt's Meltdown

Now, in his defense, Matt has some developmental and motor delays so once his limit is reached...well, you get the idea. It is hard to watch him try to deal with his surroundings and tiring listening to the screaming. I can't help but put it in his album as a record of all of the struggles he has had. Every new milestone means so much for us and I love watching him try so hard. I still have several of his pages to do, but I needed something fun. Be sure to click on the pic and read the is very appropriate!

I didn't follow any pattern, but did find the poem on a website - I can't remember which now, but I couldn't help but CASE it. The poem is printed on vellum and backed with white paper. The background paper was from a grab bag from Memories on Fifth, but it was too cute to pass up. I think it showcases the move from baby prints to the young boy he has become. Simple brads embellish and I like how the different sizes complement the square and it is a nice contrast, as well. Title is done is Base Camp personal fav, right next to Mickey font.

Thanks for looking!....


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love it! It is a very cute picture even if he is having a meltdown. LOL


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