
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Heart Journal - week 18

This week's Heart Journal assignment is "Parents" - make a spread centered around your parents, life as a parent or parents in general.  One of my favorite quotes is from "Fern Gulley: The Last Rainforest" and it says "We didn't inherit the earth from our parents; we borrowed it from our children."  I took that a step further and made my spread centered around the concept of Mother Earth. 
I found this fantastic image in several places online, but did not find who to credit it to.  I transfered the basic sketch by pencil, then filled in with sharpie.  Next, I found another image with a fetus inside the planet Earth, shrunk it and incorporated it into the sketch.  I filled it in with acrylic paints.  Once the planet portion dried, I used a spouncer to add in white clouds.  For the darkest blue, I used a stencil brush and pounced it to give it some texture.  The next step was to make stars with some glitter paint.  Once set, I spritzed the entire spread with Vanilla Shimmer Smooch and heat set it.  I used a silver marker to write the quote.  I am not a fan of free-hand drawing or painting, so this was well out of my comfort zone.  It took a lot of time, but the effect is really nice.  Thanks for looking!  April

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